Tuesday 5 July 2011

The Idea Collective

The Idea Collective is one of many new forms of media that will represent the future of technology and how it is created.

It can be outlined as such:

1. Within every person's mind there lies the potential for world-changing ideas.

2. These ideas can often be triggered into consciousness with the help of outside influences such as art, music, reading about interests, conversation with your fellow men and women.

3. The greatest creative output occurs with regular interaction with other people to stimulate, redefine and focus ideas

4. Efficient and effective idea-to-product generation occurs when participants give feedback on the subjects they are experienced in.

So let's have a conversation about our ideas.  Your ideas and my ideas.  This blog is an evolving page, as is the forum site linked on the right-hand side of this page.  Anything that is useful is kept, anything redundant is discarded.

I'm going to pop many ideas I have onto the blog and the forum.  Feel free to add to them, edit them, tear them down and start anew.  Existing ideas are the malleable building blocks of the 21st century and as such, we need to mould useful items of modernity from the wistful idols of tradition.

Let's build together.

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