Thursday 7 July 2011

So what is the Idea Collective anyway?

"Musicians today, if they're clever, put new compositions out on the web, like pies set to cool on a window ledge, and wait for other people to anonymously rework them.  Ten will be all wrong, but the eleventh will be genius.  It's as though the creative process is no longer contained within one individual skull, if indeed it ever was.  Everything, today, is to some extent the reflection of something else."
William Gibson, Pattern Recognition
So heaps of people have been emailing me wanting to know what TIC is all about.  Actually, no, I've received no emails, but I'm gonna tell you anyway. Think of The Idea Collective as an idea dump for your unwanted ideas.  I have ideas all the time. I have a few put away that I am working on to generate an income.  But the surplus that pours out of my head, well, someone else can use them.

I figure there's no point putting stuff away that will never see the light of day.  A lot of it will be complete shite, some of it might be average, and perhaps there will be a gem or two.  But someone else with the time and the inclination can use these ideas to help themselves out, and hopefully do some good in the world. The best part is that we can all help each other to improve each and every idea.  If you can see a more efficient, more intelligent, and plain old better way of doing something, then you need to let everyone know.  It could be YOUR contribution that creates gold from dross.  It could be a few words of yours on a page that inspires a world-changing idea in someone else's head.  And that someone else could be YOU one day.

This network we are creating is the natural evolution of creativity.  Imagine a point of intersection in a spider's web.  That point is YOUR contribution.  It spins away in a myriad of directions, those threads being other people's thought patterns. Some threads might soon come to a dead stop, others may wind their way through the web, forming the unbreakable backbone of the entire structure.

                In this case, all threads lead to A Particular Singularity
There is no way to know what impact a single phrase, one image, a sound could have on a human being's consciousness.

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